in design, construction,installation, transportation and maintenance, installation, transportation and maintenance of equipment and facilities.
Continue to operate a pro-active stance towards Health & Safety matters and continue to maintain our liaison with the HSE and other relevant bodies.
Make arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risk to health in connection with all activities.
Investigating all incidents relating to Health, Safety & Environment including minor ones and the cause of any accidents within the company and instituting practicable remedial measure to prevent recurrences.
Implement innovative measures to continuously improve our safety practices.
Regularly striving to update and refine our HSE procedures.
Conduct effective safety training.
"KITO Enterprises", to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment in compliance with good business practices and to provide a safe work place for employees, and to protect the environment, is fully committed to this HSE policy. "KITO ENTERPRISES" is committed to continuous efforts to identify and eliminate or manage safety risk associated with its activities in onshore and offshore.
The aims, which “KITO Enterprises” considers of greatest importance, are:
Instil and promote safety consciousness amongst employees, contractors, and sub- contractors to prevent accidents and near misses. Provide the best possible care
All personnel engaged by the "KITO Enterprises” shall take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that they understand the Health, Safety & Environmental policy.
All staff is required to adopt and implement HSE requirements through their efforts to achieve continuous improvements in the KITO Enterprises’ HSE practices and performance.
All personnel are encouraged to consult with management concerning Health, Safety and Environment issues.
Any personnel found to be disregarding the requirements of the plan would be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in their dismissal from project.
“KITO Enterprises" strive to meet the requirements and intent of all international convention and host country regulations regarding the air, water and marine environment.
We shall achieve our Environmental Policy through the following aims:
Minimize the generation of hazardous waste and handle all waste in an environmental sound manner.
Prevent releases, spills and leaks. Take immediate containment measure in the event of accidental discharges.
Restore the environment on work accomplishment in compliance with enforced statutory requirements and according to contractual commitment.
Encourage recycling and re-use of materials.
No alcohol must be taken into any worksites and vessels under the control of "KITO Enterprises", inclusive of sub-contractor workers must never be unfit to work through alcohol or drug used. This should be made clear to all staff and workers at the Safety orientation course and should include the risk due to heavy drinking the previous evening. Any person found in possession of any quantity of alcohol or drug shall be subject to disciplinary action, which could result in instant dismissal.
The PMT (Project Management Team) is responsible for the project by using the available resources to achieve outstanding performance in completing the work and attaining the following HSE aims.
Every manager is responsible for ensuring that all employees and subcontractors are aware, and have an access to all policies and procedures as well as all relevant legislative requirements.
The KITO’s Sub-contractors shall reflect the implementation of HSE matters obligated to their contract, as a line responsibility at all levels.
The application of this policy is the direct responsibility of line management and all employees and contractors involved in its day-to-day application.
The top management of “KITO Enterprises” supports fully this policy and encourages all employees to take pro-active approach with respect to HSE matters in executing their duties.

Copyright © 2008 by Kito Enterprises L.L.C